Sponsored: There will be plenty of give-aways during the three-day event…

Looking for a culture hit this weekend? What if we told you that you could enjoy a one-of-a-kind art experience at The Beach, JBR and City Walk, alongside competitions and lots of give-aways?

If you do the washing in your house (and we’re betting you probably do), we reckon you might have used Ariel products in the machine. To celebrate its innovating washing PODS, Ariel Middle East is launching PodArt.

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Ariel has teamed up with two Dubai-based artists to create the experience, which will run from October 22 to 24. It combines Augmented Reality (AR) and abstract art in live art installations that are set to bring Ariel PODS to life.

To do just that, all you’ll need is your smart phone or tablet, through the lense of which, the artworks will come alive. The pieces of art, created by Paul Bruwer and Dreams of Grandeur, will be displayed from 1pm to 11pm each day.

Arial PODS combine three separate cleaning products in one easy-to-use capsule. The super-concentrated cleaning power is designed to brighten bold colours. The vibrant art pieces shown in the installation are set to reflect this.

It’s free to visit PodArt at The Beach, JBR and City Walk over the three-day event. With fun competitions to get involved in, plus plenty of cool give-aways, it’s a great way to do something different this weekend.

Paul Bruwer, Artist and Illustrator said: “There is a unique aspect to this particular collaboration. Ariel is all about caring for colour in so many ways, and so do we as artists in our everyday professional lives.”

He continued: “Colour literally is a part of us as we work, it comes home with us from “the office” and we embrace this. Our stains of colour on our clothes are love letters to our past projects and therefore colour is a huge part of our everyday lives.”

PodArt, The Beach, JBR and City Walk, 1pm to 11pm, Thursday, October 22 to Saturday, October 24, free to attend. arielarabia.com

Images: Provided