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Sheikh Mohammed shares touching poem celebrating his sons' wedding

Sheikh Hamdan, Sheikh Maktoum and Sheikh Ahmad were married in a private ceremony last week…

After news broke that three of his sons were married in Dubai last week, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai has shared a touching poem to social media, celebrating the recent weddings.

In the poem, translated from Arabic in a report by Gulf News, Sheikh Mohammed highlights the UAE’s joy on the occasion of the wedding of his three sons. The Dubai ruler goes on to praise his sons, recalling how he raised them and taught them to the love the nation, the homeland.

He also referred to the legacy and history of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, explaining how he had inspired the three Sheikh’s and helped them reach where they are today.

In life, he advised his sons to always respect their wives, treat others well and choose the ‘righteous entourage’, concluding by congratulating his three sons and calling on them to always be united.

You can read the poem in full here:


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A post shared by Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (@hhshkmohd) on

On Thursday May 16, news broke that three of Sheikh Mohammed’s sons; H.H Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohammed, Chairman of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge foundation, had married in a private ceremony on Wednesday night.

The Crown Prince of Dubai wed Sheikha Sheikha bint Saeed bin Thani Al Maktoum, Sheikh Maktoum married Sheikha Mariam bint Butti Al Maktoum, and Sheikh Ahmad married Sheikha Midya bint Dalmouj Al Maktoum.

While the Islamic wedding took place on Wednesday of last week, it is expected that the wedding ceremony will follow. Currently, it’s unclear whether this will be a public or private celebration.

Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince, H.H. Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed took to social media over the weekend to congratulate Sheikh Mohammed on his sons’ wedding, calling the occasion ‘a great joy throughout the country’. “I bless my three sons and wish them a long time of success, joy and overwhelming family happiness,” Sheikh Mohamed concluded the Tweet.

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